Rooted School Columbia, a planned, tuition-FREE, public school that is
Building Personal Pathways to Financial Freedom for Columbia, SC Middle and High Schoolers
How We’re Different.
Small Class Sizes
Rooted schools are small, close-knit communities.
Our goal for the Columbia Campus is to enroll 113 students per grade.
In the fall of 2026, we plan to open our doors with full 6th and 9th-grade classes and add grades each year!
(In 2027, we will have 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th grades and continue until we are a full 6th-12th-grade school.)
Career Opportunities
Rooted students can graduate with advanced industry credentials in many of the numerous technology sectors en route to entry-level employment with one of Rooted’s industry partners.
At Columbia, we plan to offer various renewable energy, healthcare, and IT credentials.
Project-based Learning
Rooted students apply their skills in solving real-world challenges through project-based learning. For about two hours a day, students work on projects that are co-designed with our local industry partners.
Students can graduate with an advanced industry credential in one of the numerous technology sectors en route to entry-level employment with one of Rooted’s industry partners.
Interested in having your student attend Rooted School Columbia?
Fill out the form below, with your details, to be added to our list of potential families.
The Rooted School
Columbia Goal
We believe that a school is the focus of change in any community. Right now, more than anything, we believe our schools should be preparing every child to build and benefit from the wealth their communities produce. Every lesson taught and program we adopt keeps this end in mind.
Our Planned Programs
Information Technology
Clean Energy